Welcome to the work f o r c e !

This is where i keep some of my stuff. It will be expanded upon over time.

More, fancier prefabs should be set up eventually.

Hang around, you may find something special.






       Discord: luffaren



       Bodygroup Calculator




    CSGO hammer prefabs:


              a .nut script which auto-slays CT's when a specific ct/t player ratio is met

              read the included .nut file for more information



              A script+prefab package allowing you to hot-spawn ents via a global vscript function

              You can easily add/remove the entity-classes available for spawning in the prefab .vmf

              It also includes some extra general-purpose helper functions



              A simple .bat-file .bsp packer, you simply drag+drop a .bsp into it.

              It packs everything within the 'csgo' folder that's next to the .bsp file.



              An app that handles mass-resizing .vtf files with a max-size-cap and a DXT1/DXT5 toggle.

              Can be used to reduce filesize on maps, just read the included instructions and save backups/be careful.



              A copy+paste prefab for an easy-to-use level system, also including an example .vmf to help you understand it.

              It supports up to 16 stages as it uses a logic_case.



              A barebones physbox+thruster npc base that picks a random CT-target every X seconds and then moves towards the target.

              This is by no means a complete system, but rather a base to start working your own NPC from.



              A standalone script to handle keeping the targetname of weapons + detecting when a weapon has been dropped.

              Just add the .nut to the "Entity Scripts" property of any weapon-entity and it'll work automatically.



    CSGO plugins:


              This plugin allows for instant Vscript-based hotfixes, QoL-tweaks, special events and VIP/patron-updates for Luffaren-maps.

              The Vscripts are set up/managed by Luffaren centrally, and can be previewed below (in "CSGO Vscript configs").

              If a Vscript config exists for the current map on the server, it will load in once as the map starts.



    CSGO Vscript configs:













     These Vscript configs gets loaded in through the LuffarenMaps plugin as the map starts. Click on them to view a preview of the code below.



//============[ NOTE: permanent script scope > "luffarenmapsplugin_manager" ]============\\

scinit<-false;CDATA<-[];function InitializeScriptValidate(){if(!scinit)//Safety wrapper to retry loading the Vscript

{printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript ERROR - script not initialized!");if(Entities.FindByName(null,"luffarenmapsplugin_reload")==null)

{local e=Entities.CreateByClassname("info_target");e.__KeyValueFromString("targetname","luffarenmapsplugin_reload");}}}

EntFireByHandle(self,"RunScriptCode"," InitializeScriptValidate(); ",5.00,null,null);

//Called once when the script is initialized/reloaded

function Initialize()


    if(scinit)return;scinit=true;printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript initialized!");

    local h = null;while(null!=(h=Entities.FindByName(h,"luffarenmapsplugin_reload")))


    {local e = Entities.CreateByClassname("info_target");e.__KeyValueFromString("targetname","luffarenmapsplugin_success");}

    EntFireByHandle(self,"RunScriptCode"," InitializeCDATA(); ",0.01,null,null);

    EntFireByHandle(self,"RunScriptCode"," RoundStart(true); ",0.02,null,null);

    //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>   init code goes here...


//Called once every round start (also just after 'Initialize' has been called)

function RoundStart(justinitalized=false)


    printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript RoundStart() called!");

    //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>   roundstart code goes here (bool:justinitalized)...


    //add 2 extra heals




    //tweak the health of bosses + flying drakes


        local man = Entities.FindByName(null,"script").GetScriptScope();

        man.drake_hp_base <- 1000;

        man.drake_hp_each <- 1500;

        man.drake_hp_set_delay <- 20.00;

        man.bosshp_fake_base <- 500;

        man.bosshp_fake_each <- 300;

        man.bosshp_real_base <- 1000;

        man.bosshp_real_each <- 800;

        man.bosshp_arm_base <- 300;

        man.bosshp_arm_each <- 300;

        ::flyingdrake_hp_base <- 100;

        ::flyingdrake_hp_each <- 100;

    }catch(e){printl("BossFlyDrakeHPedit ERROR: "+e);}


    //fix env_fire being invisible by restarting it (+ try removing smoke for FPS-reasons)



    EntFire("env_fire","AddOutput","spawnflags 15",0.00,null);

    EntFire("env_fire","AddOutput","spawnflags 15",0.10,null);

    EntFire("env_fire","AddOutput","spawnflags 15",3.00,null);

    EntFire("env_fire","AddOutput","spawnflags 15",7.00,null);

    EntFire("env_fire","AddOutput","spawnflags 15",9.00,null);


    //fix a funky Z-skip, very nasty stuff


        local jumpx_2 = Entities.FindByName(null,"jumpx_2");


        jumpx_2.GetScriptScope().TouchPostFixupSafe <- function()


            if(activator.GetOrigin().z > -5225 && activator.GetOrigin().x > -737)






        EntFireByHandle(jumpx_2,"AddOutput","OnStartTouch !self:RunScriptCode:TouchPostFixupSafe();:2:-1",0.50,null,null);

        EntFireByHandle(jumpx_2,"AddOutput","OnStartTouch !self:RunScriptCode:TouchPostFixupSafe();:3:-1",0.50,null,null);

        EntFireByHandle(jumpx_2,"AddOutput","OnStartTouch !self:RunScriptCode:TouchPostFixupSafe();:4:-1",0.50,null,null);

    }catch(e){printl("TouchPostFixupSafe ERROR: "+e);}


    //make shellbert a true mother

    ::TRAPS.thigh_spider <- {

            tickrate = 0.05,

            tickrate_idle = 2.00,

            target_range = 500,

            target_lose_range = 1000,

            bite_range = 64,

            bite_damage = 4,

            bite_delaybuffer = 4,

            jump_range = 400,

            jump_timeout = 70,

            jump_nudge_delay = 0.80,

            jump_nudge_force = 20,

            jump_after_first = true,

            jump_speed = 500,

            jump_height = 300,

            jump_height_high = 700,

            jump_height_high_height = 70,

            hp_base = 50,

            hp_each_ct = 50,

            mother_id = "STEAM_1:0:554317138",        //shellbert

        function Spawn(pos,rot=null){

            if(rot==null)rot = Vector(0,RandomFloat(0,360),0);


                    rendermode = 1,

                    renderamt = 0,


                mother_found = false,

                mother_handle = null,

                function TickMother(){



                    local pc = ::GetPlayerClass(::TRAPS.thigh_spider.mother_id);




                    mother_found = true;

                    mother_handle = pc.handle;

                },function TargetPlayer(_target){

                    target = _target;


                },function Die(){


                    dead = true;






                    standanim = true;

                    jumptime = 0;

                    pitch = 0;

                    jumping = false;




                },function Tick(){


                    local tick_called = false;


                        if(self.GetOrigin().z < -15000)Die();



                        local mother_just_found = null







                                mother_handle == target||





                                    target = null;

                                    mother_just_found = mother_handle;






                            target = null;






                                standanim = true;

                                jumptime = 0;

                                pitch = 0;

                                jumping = false;


                            biting = false;

                            jumped_once = false;

                            local candidates = [];

                            for(local h;h=Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(h,"player",self.GetOrigin(),::TRAPS.thigh_spider.target_range);)











                        if(mother_just_found != null)


                            target = mother_just_found;

                            jumped_once = true;


                        tick_called = true;







                            EntFireByHandle(model,"AddOutput","body 1",0.00,null,null);

                            local dir = (target.GetOrigin()+Vector(0,0,40))-(self.GetOrigin()+Vector(0,0,15));


                            yaw = ::DirToAngles(dir).y;

                            if(!biting && ::GetDistance(self.GetOrigin()+Vector(0,0,15),target.GetOrigin()+Vector(0,0,30))<=::TRAPS.thigh_spider.bite_range)


                                biting = true;

                                bite_offset = (::AnglesToDir(Vector(0,RandomFloat(0,360),0))*20)+Vector(0,0,RandomFloat(20,25));










                                if(mother_found && target != null && target == mother_handle)






                                    pitch = ::DirToAngles(dir).x;


                                    if(bite_buffer > ::TRAPS.thigh_spider.bite_delaybuffer)


                                        bite_buffer = 0;

                                        local newhp = target.GetHealth()-::TRAPS.thigh_spider.bite_damage;





                                    local tvel = target.GetVelocity();

                                    tvel.x = 0;

                                    tvel.y = 0;

                                    if(tvel.z > 0)tvel.z = 0;






                                local jrange = (0+::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_range);

                                if(jumped_once && ::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_after_first)jrange = 99999;

                                if(!jumping && ::GetDistance(target.GetOrigin(),self.GetOrigin())<=jrange)


                                    jumping = true;

                                    jumped_once = true;

                                    standanim = false;


                                    local jumptime = RandomFloat(1.50,3.00);




                                    dir.z = 0.00;


                                    local jheight = (0+::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_height);

                                    if(target.GetOrigin().z > self.GetOrigin().z+::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_height_high_height)jheight = (0+::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_height_high);


                                    nudge_buffer = (dir*::TRAPS.thigh_spider.jump_nudge_force);







                                        pitch = ::DirToAngles(dir).x;










                                            standanim = true;

                                            jumptime = 0;

                                            pitch = 0;








                            EntFireByHandle(model,"AddOutput","body 0",0.00,null,null);


                    }catch(e){printl("[::TRAPS.thigh_spider ERROR]: "+e);}



                dead = false,

                bite_offset = Vector(),

                yaw = rot.y,

                pitch = 0,

                target = null,

                jumping = false,

                jumptime = 0,

                jumped_once = false,

                standanim = true,

                model = null,

                biting = false,

                nudge_buffer = Vector(),

                bite_buffer = 0,

                function Run(){


                    EntFireByHandle(self,"AddOutput","material 3",0.00,null,null);

                    EntFireByHandle(self,"AddOutput","friction 2",0.00,null,null);

                    EntFireByHandle(self,"AddOutput","collisiongroup 3",0.00,null,null);

                    EntFireByHandle(self,"AddOutput","movetype 0",0.00,null,null);

                    EntFireByHandle(self,"AddOutput","movetype 3",0.93,null,null);






                            modelscale = 1.50,


                        master = self,

                        function Run(){

                            master.GetScriptScope().model = self;





                    local hp = (0+::TRAPS.thigh_spider.hp_base);


                    hp += (::getplayercount_cache_ct*::TRAPS.thigh_spider.hp_each_ct);


                        master = self,

                        hitcd = false,

                        function Act(index,attackerhandle){



                            else if(index==2)







                                                                                //x-jumped_once was here in v1_7



                                master.GetScriptScope().jumped_once = true;        //x-jumped_once here in v1_7


                                hitcd = true;

                                EntFireByHandle(hitboxhandle,"RunScriptCode","logic.hitcd = false;",0.10,null,null);

                                EntFireByHandle(master.GetScriptScope().model,"AddOutput","rendercolor 255 70 70",0.00,null,null);

                                EntFireByHandle(master.GetScriptScope().model,"AddOutput","rendercolor 255 255 255",0.05,null,null);


                            else if(index==3)







//Called once when the script is initialized/validated

function DateTimeReceived(datetime)


    printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript Datetime received! ("+datetime+")");

    //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>   DateTime code goes here (string:datetime "YYYY-MM-DD-MM-SS")...


//Called once when the script is initialized/validated

function ServerInfoReceived(info)


    printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript ServerInfo received! ("+info+")");

    //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>   ServerInfo code goes here (string:info "serverIP-serverNAME")...


//Called once when the script is initialized/validated

function InitializeCDATA()


    local man = Entities.FindByName(null,"manager");



    local sc = man.GetScriptScope();

    if(!("VIPS" in sc))return;

    foreach(data in CDATA)


        if(data.len()<=0)continue;local dds="";foreach(dd in data){dds=dds+"|"+dd;}dds=dds+"|";

        printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript CustomData loaded! ("+dds+")");

        if(data[0]=="VIP" && data.len()>1)



            for(local i=1;i<data.len();i++){sc.VIPS.push(data[i]);}

            ::VIPS_SET <- true;

            EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::VIPS_SET <- true; ",0.00,null);

            EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::VIPS_SET <- true; ",0.05,null);

            EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::VIPS_SET <- true; ",0.50,null);




//Called every time a client is validated/connected with name, userid and steamid

function ClientValidated(userid,steamid,name)


    userid = userid.tointeger();

    local s = [];for(local i=0;i<steamid.len();i++)


        local ceil = 1+i;if(ceil>steamid.len())break;

        local c = steamid.slice(i,ceil);if(c=="c")c=":";s.push(c);


    steamid = "";foreach(ss in s)steamid = steamid+ss;

    if(("PLAYERS" in this)&&("GetPlayerClass" in this))


        local pc = ::GetPlayerClass(steamid);if(pc==null)pc=::GetPlayerClass(userid);








            pc.userid = userid;

            pc.steamid = steamid;

            pc.name = name;



    if(steamid == "STEAM_1:1:22521282")


        ::DEVID <- userid;

        EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::DEVID <- "+userid.tostring(),0.00,null);

        EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::DEVID <- "+userid.tostring(),0.05,null);

        EntFire("manager","RunScriptCode"," ::DEVID <- "+userid.tostring(),0.50,null);


    printl("[LuffarenMaps] Vscript client validated! ("+userid.tostring()+"|"+steamid+"|"+name+")");

    //XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>   Client data connecting code goes here (int:userid, string:steamid, string:name)...










